Tuesday, June 25, 2013

No Answer

What is the real reason I'm here anyways?
What can I do to make this pain go away?
Is there a real reason I'm feeling this way? Is god or life trying to teach me a lesson?

When I ask myself those questions again,
I only find out there is no answer.
There will never be an answer, so why be here anyway?

I'm afraid my only way out is doing something to take away this pain
I'm afraid to ask those questions because maybe deep inside I already know the answer.
Maybe there will be a better place for me to live in
Where no one can judge me or make me feel like I'm not worth it.

What do you do when you have no way out? When you can't picture yourself in a better future?
The lump in my throat hurts so much, the hole in my heart is demanding something

The truth is- nobody can save me. I'm not even sure if I can save myself anymore.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Floating in a Blue Universe

He throws me his pity words hard enough so I can catch them,
The sad part is; I do.

I sink deep in the water and he follows behind me.
I'm caught up in the moment and the tears disappear in the water

He tries to grab my hand but I splash around,
I imagine myself floating around in the universe

The stars follow behind me, duplicating my graceful movements
The moon is watching while the sun keeps laughing

I wake up abruptly,
He is pleading and asking me to forgive him

I turn around and face the ocean,
The irony of being here with him comes to my mind

Such a stunning place with such a poor company.